Weekly Workouts

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I did bodyweight workouts. Kind of pilates like.

Friday was a travel day

Saturday I walked 1.83 miles

The kids and I are out of town this week so I hope I can keep my momentum going.

Weekly Workouts

Got back on the horse this week!

I worked out Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

I started using an App called justfit. Currently it is almost all body weight workouts, right now they are about 17 min long which is perfect for me right now.

This next week I just want to keep my momentum going and maybe add in a run or two.

I am really focusing on a good night routine to set me up for a good morning routine.

Pinched Nerve

Oy, the last two weeks have been interesting. We had a lovely family weekend last weekend with the in-laws, but the past two weeks I have had a pinched nerve in my neck that at times was debilitating. The pain at times rivaled childbirth. I haven’t done any workouts since then.

I’m starting to get the workout itch but I want to make sure my neck is healed before I start again.

Crappy Garden update for 2024

One word: E. Coli

Well I guess that’s two words. The neighbor diagonal to our backyard has a pipe that likes to overflow. Apparently. It overflowed when we had a big storm surge and our backyard was flooded. The city took some tests and there was high E coli levels.

Once the sun hits the top layer of soil after a couple hours, the E coli will be killed off by the UV rays, but the underlayer can be contaminated for months! So that takes away half of our backyard for planting food.

Our side yard had no flooding and there’s nowhere near the contamination zone so our raised bed that we do tomatoes in should be fine. Also the little area where we do snap peas should be fine.

My neighbor has a row of grapes that come every year and she lets us eat as much as you want. So for the month of September the kids gorge themselves on grapes and those are still fine

Thankfully our raspberries are fine. They’re on the complete other side of the yard from the contamination

We have this area that’s already 3/4 of the way fenced off from the chickens but it’s solidly in the contaminated area. So what I think I’m going to do is get a couple above bed, just kind of garden planters. The cheapest ones I can find and some cheap trellises to do cucumbers and a few other vining plants, not 100% sure what yet.

Thankfully garlic doesn’t have super long roots so these ones planted in the above bed gardens should be okay.

My husband actually cleaned this area out about 2 years ago. Took all the dirt out and we never refilled it between being pregnant and having newborns and babies. But this year I think I will put more cardboard down and fill it for a raised bed garden again and that should be good to plant in.

We won’t be planting any root vegetables this year just to be extra extra safe.

We are also inquiring about getting a permit to tie into the city storm drain to stop the flooding in our yard but is prolific and happens every winter so hopefully that’s a process that will be happening this summer as well.

I will keep you updated.

Weekly Workouts

Monday – 1/2 hour of bowling

Tuesday – arm workout

Wednesday – ran 2 miles (not an improvement on time but not much slower, I was tired.)

Thursday -3.25 double stroller miles

Friday – at least 7100 steps

Saturday – 1 mile run outside ALONE!! So nice lol did it for time 12:36! Working on that speed

Total miles this week: 6.25

Weekly Workouts

Sunday – 7000 steps minimum

Monday – run 2 miles

Tuesday – 7000 steps minimum

Wednesday – abs

Thursday – 7000 steps minimum

Friday – short walk/hike with the kids and friends

Saturday- morning hike /nature walk with the kids

Sunday – 4 hours of deep cleaning the house

It’s been a good week but I am wiped out tonight! My youngest has had some crazy sleep patterns this week.

Weekly Workouts

Sunday – 1.5 miles run . 1 mile time 13:28, 2 sprints in the half mile.

Monday – 7000 steps

Tuesday – leg workout and 7000 steps

Wednesday – 7000 steps

Thursday – 7000 steps

Friday – 7000 steps

Saturday – 7000 steps

Well instead of going up in workouts I went down hahahaha. My husband was traveling for work this week and even though my mom was here to help me I was exhausted most days.

Here’s to next week!

Weekly Workouts

Sunday – 7000 steps

Monday – walked 1 mile and did 1/4 of an ab workout hahaha

Tuesday – ran 1.5 miles

Wednesday -7000 steps

Thursday – 7000 steps

Friday- Arm workout and 7000 steps

Saturday – 7000 steps

3 workouts total this week with 10 min of treadmill walking at the end of any night I didn’t run to hit my step goal. Slowly but surely I am getting back to it. Next week my goal is 4 workouts.

Weekly Workouts

Monday- ran 1.5 miles (1 mile for time, .5 of walk run intervals)

Tuesday – off but hit 7000 steps

Wednesday – 1 set of strength workout for legs and walked on the treadmill for 20 min

Thursday – ran 1 mile for time

Friday- off but hit 7000 steps

Saturday – 1 set of strength workout for arms (gotta get my stamina back after this sickness. I am still coughing up phlegm)

Still easing back in but finally feel like I’m starting to get back to it.

Stay healthy! The colds and flus this year are no joke!