Unplanned last day of AugustĀ 

Tonight at midnight marks the end of August 2016. My plan was to sleep in, go to work, come home and get in a 3-4 mile run with the pup. 

The morning went according to plan, I woke up at 7 and cuddled with my puppy until about 7:20, got up and went to work. Breakfast was my protien powder…and I just remembered I forgot my blender bottle at work.

At work today we had a retirement party for an awesome person, we had BBQ

That tasted amazing! 

But it didn’t taste so good coming back up. I don’t think it was the food, I think it was either a reaction i had or I’m sick. Oddly i am hoping it’s the reaction because I do not want to be sick. I only have enough sick time right now to cover half a days pay. I left work 3 hours early and will hopefully be fine tomorrow and can go in early to make up some time. 

So far I’ve kept down some otter pops to sooth my burned throat and I just ate a frozen burrito. My stomach doesn’t love it but so far it’s staying down. 

 Here are my August running stats!! 

Here are my steps, I did not do too great with this. 

And here are my runs. Also leaves quite a bit to be desired. 

But tomorrow is the start of another month and I am going to ROCK it!!!

Now the pup and I are relaxing and taking it easy. 

How was your August?

And another one bites the dust…..

A few years ago this song popped into my head when I broke up with someone and now anytime I date someone even halfway decent and it ends this song pops into my head, even if I am bawling my eyes out I find myself saying ‘another one bites the dust, and another one gone and another one, another one bites the dust’. 

No, generally I am not singing it in a happy way. It just sort of comes out. It is programmed in my head now. 
I have now been dating for over 13 years and I am sooooo sick of it!!! 

And so in my frustration I give you some happy memes I found on google:

But make mine dogs

In an effort to pick my mood up I went for a run at lunch.

It helped for a bit

I pushed it a bit. 

Then realized I only had 4 min to clock in so I started really running lol. 

Then I enjoyed a nectarine my friend got me yesterday 

Remember this awesome friend I picked blackberries with:

It was her. 

‘I get by with a little help from my friends ‘ – The Beatles. But I hope you already knew that.  

Weekend Wrapup

Today was a little more low key than yesterday.

Artemis and I relaxed in bed and read until about 10am. 

Then the roommate and I had a little bonding putting together some of our IKEA purchases

Stools for our kitchen table

Then our butcher block temising

We also had Artemis’ first vet visit!

She is doing good. We will go back in about 3 weeks to get her shots done. 

The roommate and I also had a star trek marathon including going to see the new one in theatres. 

How was your weekend?

Running date, IKEA and sore knees

Hope you are all having a safe and fun Saturday night! Mine has been pretty wild and crazy…..I read a few chapters in

Then took a 40 min nap.

After that I got my butt up and went for a little run

My left knee is not happy with me

I looked at my Garmin stats and realized I tripped my miles this week, so it makes sense why my knees would be mad at me. I need to pay better attention 

Lesson learned. 

The roommate and I went to IKEA like I mentioned, we got stools for our table, a little butcher block thing with shelves under it and a coffee table/end table set. When we get them all built I’ll show you.  

My awesome roommate also treated me to a vacuum and car was today. My poor car needed it BAD!

Pine needles are a problem when you llive in Oregon 

Now it’s shiny and new!!!!

Ok now my running date. I don’t really have any pictures because I didn’t take my phone and the relationship is too new to put him on here, but this is me pre-run 

It’s was in the low 90s which made the run hard and (TMI Alert!!!) I am having a really bad period this month so I was really sluggish and heavy feeling and soooo bloated, none of that helped. But we made it 5.5 miles. We did one of my favorite old stomping ground parks so we ran the trails and walked the pavement. 

I was dragging really bad but he was super sweet about it. He was the a hare to my tortoise hahaha! 

So of course my running fantasy is a nice cool day, us laughing as we race through the trails, kissing at the end and being flirty and fun.

Reality was us sweating like pigs, me feeling like I was going to die and panting so hard he probably thought I was going to die and me trying my hardest to sort of keep up with him and telling him to run ahead and I’ll meet him at the end of the trail hahaha. He stayed with me though and on the walk/recovery parts he made me laugh and we did kiss and were flirty so overall it was pretty great. 

The last 1.5 miles my stomach HATED me!!! I was in a good amount of pain from the bloating. 

We hit the grocery store because my house was out of otter pops lol Then he picked up pizza for us

And cookie dough!!!! Smart man to bring his PMSing girl some cookie dough. 

I can’t wait to run with him again when I’m back to full strength.  

Have you ever had a running date?

Did you guys run the same speed?


The roommate and I are exploring IKEA looking at how to furnish out cute little place and of course how to best use out space. 

It is so crowded here!!!

According to my roommate when at IKEA you must have Swedish meatballs

Tonight I’ll tell you all about my run date!

I’ve never been so excited for meal prep

We have PANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can eat real food again!!!

I am very excited about meal prep today. We ordered new pans from amazon and donated our old ones to good will and between packing and upacking and a mess the roommate and i have been eating crap for about 2-3 weeks and it has taken its toll. I am super stoked that i get to make real food again this weekend for next week.

I usually hit up pintrest for my meal prep or at least inspiration

This is what is on the menu this week:

Stuffed Pepper Philly cheesesteak


Crispy Garlic Parmesan Chicken


and chicken kabobs which i haven’t decided yet what all is going to be on them so stayed tuned to find out!


Do you meal prep? If so, whats for lunch and dinner next week?


So happy tomorrow is Friday. I am so excited for my running date!!!!!

So i spent my lunch at Starbucks enjoying being outside

Like my free sunglasses from a race?

Pretty awesome

I came home and unpacked 5 boxes

Then the pup and I chilled

Then the roommate, the dogs and I went for a walk

Soooo close but sooooo far from my step goal

Next up was some Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders training camp!

Now check out this delicious homemade dog food!!!

She LOVED it!!! 

A relaxing morning, a planned hike and guilt

Yes! Thursday is half way through and tomorrow is Friday! I am really looking forward to Friday at 6pm, not just because work is over but because I have a running date!!!!! This is going to be like my perfect date and I am super stoked, I just wish it wasn’t going to be 90, but oh well. But more on that tomorrow night.

After running twice yesterday I slept in this morning, oh man I needed it. And I got some puppy cuddles which was wonderful.  

It is my lunch right now so I used the emergency  $5 I have started keeping tucked in my purse  (for when my funds run out before my next paycheck)

And bought myself a much needed starbucks 

Now I am sitting in the shade of starbucks relaxing before I have to go back to work. I needed to get away from the office and take a deep breathe. 

Anywho on an awesome note my roommate and I have planned our labor day hike!!!!! I think it’s going to be amazing!!!! Difficult I’m sure but awesome. The guilt comes from the fact that dogs aren’t allowed on this trail so the pups have to be left behind. Artemis will be mad at me. 

I can’t believe Artemis and I are coming up on our 1 year anniversary!!! I got her in November of last year. We’ll have to do something special. 
Big shout out to my awesome mom who is tiding me over until my next paycheck. Moving wiped out my finances this month and I know some overdraft fees would be coming if she wasn’t helping me out and a shout out to my brother who is sending me some money at the beginning of next month to help get me started on the right foot next month. 

Thank goodness for family. I don’t know where I would be without them. 

And now I should start thinking about heading back to work……..but I really dont want to. I want to go home to my puppy.