Weekend Wrap-up 


Friday the boyfriend and I thought we would go for a little hike. We picked a spot, got some snacks, and packed up the dog. I was excited for a fun hike, our first one together!! We get there and start walking up the trail and……….it’s almost all ice

This might not have a been problem if my shoes had better traction, if i wasn’t clumsy, and if the below dog didn’t like to run into me at full speed ans knock me over

I turned us around pretty quickly, so our hike eneded up being a grand total of .75 miles. 

We picked up a pizza Friday night. 

Another yummy pizza. Peperoni, sausage, onions and peppers. 

Saturday we mostly relaxed, I got a delicious root beer float from A&W!!! Yumm, i hadn’t had one since September 

Sunday was a study and read day for me

Got my HW done

Watched some old episodes of amazing race

Then decided I felt like reading

I had some company…….though my company kept passing some nasty gas

And i enjoyed a bottle of hard cider to go with it!

And now I’m tired and want sleep.

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